Meeting a Challenge…simple as that!

It’s the last day of my blogging week according to my WordPress statistics chart. I suppose I could change the settings in my account to make Sunday the first day of the week instead of Monday, but why change something that seems to be working. My blogging group starts a new week on Sunday, but we don’t share our charts with each other so it really makes no difference to them what my chart says about how many posts I’ve gotten in a week depending on which day begins that week. The chart is really just for me and yes, I do look at it daily. I like to see if anyone reads my blog. I like to see which posts they are reading. I like to know how many people stopped by to see what I had to say. I like to see which countries are represented by my readers.

It’s really no different from checking in on Facebook to see how many people liked a picture or a post. It’s really no different from checking in to see if anyone commented on a picture or a post. I’m not sure I’m any different from my teens who keep mental track, or verbal track, of the number of likes they’ve received on any given picture or tweet they’ve put out there on Instagram or Twitter.

I’ve been asked before why I blog. My usual response is that I do it for me. I do it to keep track of the things I am currently pondering. I do it as sort of a journal. Sometimes I wonder if I should stop blogging and just keep a personal journal, but the truth is, I enjoy sharing my life and my thoughts on my blog. I enjoy sharing them with anyone that might care or might be encouraged or challenged by the things God has placed on my heart to write. Some days I ask Him what He wants to me write. Some days I write about the things that come to mind while I’m reading something that He has placed on my path. Some days I write about things that come to mind as I am going thru life and He highlights something. Some days I am just trying to fill the page so I can keep up with the daily blogging challenge.

Today is one of those days.


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