Golden Toilet Paper

I am honored to accept the first ever Golden Toilet Paper award from my good friend over at Mom’s Baggage. There were so many other deserving bloggers. I suppose my consistent use of toilet paper pictures through my blog was the deciding factor. Perhaps that and the reference from another of my peeps in her recent post. Whatever the reason, thank you for my one and only blogging award! I will display it proudly!

Now, the rules for passing on this award stated…”She must explain the idea behind the toilet paper.” I was also credited with naming the award. I would like to clarify a couple of points. I am not THAT old. I did not name or invent the stuff. I’m really glad someone did though. Seriously, they had a much better plan than the corn cob peeps. The catalog peeps may have been the ones to bridge us to actual toilet paper, but I cannot verify this claim…just something I pulled out of the most common toilet paper region…no I didn’t pull something down off a tree….I got it off the bottom of my shoe. 😉

Secondly, I am not actually responsible for this award either. The idea actually originated from the one and only Sparky who is the founder of the Sparky Blog Challenge. Well, not the award, but the idea that spurred all the tp posts which spurred the idea for the award. While there are really very few rules for this challenge, there is a plague attached to failing to meet the challenge. It’s the toilet paper attached to the bottom of your shoe plague. This is, in fact, what instigated this whole thing.

So, without further delay, I will name the next recipient. She is a peep I have gotten to know thru Sparky’s challenge. I have not had the honor, YET, to meet her in person. I am hoping and praying to meet her in person very soon. There are other deserving peeps, but since she threw me under the toilet paper bus just last week, I think it’s only fair that she receives this week’s award. I love to read her blogs, when she blesses us with them. The fact that she doesn’t provide me with nearly enough reading gets her the award this week. Enjoy the award Vicky!  May God bless you with many thoughts to share with us…and some happy fish too!!

Just a little cheese!

I thought maybe tonight instead of the obligatory roll of toilet paper I use when I have nothing at all to say, I’d share a couple of pictures I found that made me smile today. Who couldn’t use a smile to brighten their day? Besides, I need to save up those rolls for my bloggy peeps, they seem to really enjoy a good roll of toilet paper!

Thankful Thursday: His Presence!!

I really couldn’t let the day go by without a Thankful Thursday post. It just wouldn’t be cool. I have so much to be thankful for even when I’m not exactly in that place right at the moment. I figured I’d just go for it and do a post regardless of how I’m feeling.

Perhaps a haiku…

I will praise you now
Even when my heart is sad
You are praise worthy

I would rather run
But praising is much better
You inhabit them

I need you here now
I will praise your Holy Name
Come and sit with me

Your Presence is great
Your Presence is really real
I love your Presence

I’ll never be lost
Not when I’m praising your Name
It’s not possible

If I’m running fast
I’ll run in your direction
Holding out my hands

Thank you for your love
Thank you for holding my hand
Help me to trust You

Praising I will fight
You have fought and won the war
We are your children

Holy is the Lord
Who was and is here right now
And will come back soon

So take that bad tude
You cannot take His Presence
He LIVES inside me!!!