He Never Forgets Brownies

This week God made my jaw drop! Sunday afternoon my daughters returned from a weekend retreat and my oldest told me she wanted to make brownies with me. She was also dumping some other plans we had made to spend time together as a family, but this was her solution. Spend time with mom baking brownies.

I didn’t have any brownies and she was telling me this at 11:00pm so I stuck it in the back of my mind…and forgot.

Tuesday I went to the grocery store to stock up on some things we needed to have around the house to eat. By then the brownies had been completely forgotten. I did all my shopping, checked out and went home to unload the groceries. I piled all the sacks on the counter, unloaded the things that needed to be put in the refrigerator or freezer and began the afternoon school pick up ritual.

Fast forward to dinner…

The handsome fella and my youngest had left for the youth group meeting and my oldest was helping me fix dinner. We were enjoying the time for just the two of us to hang out. We chatted and laughed and danced around the kitchen. Well, whatever you want to call it. Her version looked like dancing…

So, I began to take things out of the sacks and put them away. That is when my jaw dropped. I saw it first. A box I had not put in my basket. You guessed it…a box of brownies. I must have looked really surprised because my daughter wanted to know what just happened. That is when I told her that I had not put those in my basket. In fact, I hadn’t even put them on the list. Then we both had a jaw dropping moment.

Could it be that God put those in my basket? Could it be that He wanted to make sure we got around to making those brownies? Uh, well, they got there somehow!

I’m sure we could all think of a logical explanation for how those brownies came to be in my sacks. We checked the receipt and they were on it, so I didn’t steal them. It could be that the woman behind me in line didn’t make it home with the brownies she placed on the conveyor belt that day. That is probably how they got in with my stuff. But does the how really matter? Sometimes God lets us see how He orchestrates something and sometimes he doesn’t. That day I was supposed to be at that store and in that line so that those brownies made their way into my basket.

I don’t usually shop at that store. That day I had specifically asked God which store I should go to that day. I think He knew he had a box of brownies waiting to be loaded onto my conveyor belt! 🙂

Maybe I should start Fun Friday posts and keep my eyes open during the week for fun things God is doing. I’d love to hear any fun stories you have from this week!

How many years ago?

The other day I mentioned things that just don’t last like they used to. Today I realize I am just not the me I used to be.

I spent the day at Six Flags. I rode one ride the whole day. I sat parked on a bench reading a book, chatting with a kid or people watching the rest of the day. My girls felt sorry for me when they realized I had only ridden one ride. I did not feel sorry for me!!! I had a great day!! Back in the day, I would have closed the park down and been on all the rides. I was completely content to sit out and let the younger crowd enjoy the rides. Would I sound selfless if I said I was just trying to keep the lines down for all the little kids?. 🙂

This evening the parents played a scrimmage game against the 12U Rage team. We ended in a tie, but I am told that we got one extra bat. I cannot verify nor deny that claim. I was too tired by the end of the 2nd inning to know. I did make an excellent catch, yeah me! I did not contribute to the score while up to bat. I told you Gracie’s bat was dead, what do you expect?

I think I’m going to go wash the bench dust off and get back to my book. I think reading is a better speed for me tonight if I can keep my eyes open past the first paragraph.
