Music Monday: What’s your Destiny?

I’ve been in search of my calling for a while now. I’ve been pondering and praying and seeking God for what He has specifically for me to do in this life. During this season of searching that out I’ve had prayers about adventure prayed over me. Prayers prayed on different occasions and in different settings by those who know me and those who don’t resulting in much the same message.

It’s funny how prayers like those can stir something up inside you. They make me want to live this life bigger than I have before. That is what the past few years have been about. Learning to love and trust Him and follow the path He has paved just for me.

I’ve had fun watching friends of mine begin to walk in the callings He has for them. I’ve had fun watching them fall more in love with Him. The more I open my eyes to that, the more I get to see it. I love hearing people talk about where they have been and where He is leading them. I love the look in someone’s eyes when they feel the freedom He has for them start to creep into their hearts.

I still don’t know what all He is calling me to. I know it is going to happen as I’m living life and walking with Him. I’m pretty sure most of it is going to be in the daily living of life. It’s likely to be in the spontaneous, unplanned moments that He leads me to. It has occurred to me lately it could be really easy to miss if I’m not paying attention.

I’m not nearly thru contemplating this one. I think I’ll just keep my eyes and ears open to the day to day adventures He puts in my way. Tonights adventure included roasted potatoes. Not all that exciting except for the gleam in my families eyes as I served them something that wasn’t served out of a paper bag.