Freedom Friday: Take another look

It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1

I’ve wrestled with saving this post for a Monday since I’m including music, but it’s been bubbling out of my heart all morning and since it’s about freedom and there are no rules associated with my blog, you get it today. Hershey inspired the idea for Freedom Friday, but the real freedom is in the One I feel led to talk about today.  The song I am sharing today inspired me to ponder and share my heart with you today. (Thanks for sharing this song with me Sara T.)

This weekend many people will go to church to celebrate the risen Savior. Many people will celebrate Easter with their families. Many people will be dressed in their Sunday best. Little girls will be wearing beautiful new dresses and little boys will be all gussied up. These little ones will all likely be more interested in the basket of goodies and eggs the Easter bunny leaves for them than the sermon they hear in church.

That brings me to my thoughts of the day. I’ve been wanting to get here all day. I’ve been thinking about this one since early this morning.

This Easter comes with an increased excitement for me. It comes with deeper meaning for me. I’ve gone to church all my life. I’ve known about Jesus and His resurrection all my life. It’s likely that I’ve been to church on most Easter Sundays since I was born.

Today I want to encourage you to never stop learning about Jesus. Some of you may be like me and grew up learning about Him. Don’t stop just because you think you already know all there is to know. Look outside your religious heritage to see what else you might find out. Look to see if there is a new aspect of Him you just haven’t been exposed to. It doesn’t mean you have to scrap what you know. It means you can add to and enhance your knowledge and love of Him. If you know a “Jesus Freak”, lucky you!! Get to know them and their love for Him. You might be surprised how your love for Him will grow. You might be surprised to find that each Easter will bring a new excitement as you fall more in love with Him.

If you found your way here and you’ve fallen out of love with Him because of a personal loss, a religious disappointment or the loss of a loved one, please give Him another try. He died to redeem all of those things. He loves you! He wants to heal all those hurts. He was just as upset with the pious religious folks as you may be. He died for them too! Don’t let those things get in the way of the best love you will ever know.  Give Him another chance.  Take another look at who He is, not what the pious religious crowd says He is.

My prayer is that we will all fall more in love with the One who lived, died and rose from the grave just for all of us.  I pray we will all take hold of the freedom we have in and because of Him!